Posted: 2016-07-28
, Modified: 2016-08-13
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Representation learning means you have to first find a good representation—some hidden structure—for the data in order to learn it.
Low-dimensional structure in high-dimensional space
Consider a distribution on a low-dimensional space. Now suppose this low-dimensional space is embedded in a high-dimensional space, and noise in the complementary (may be orthogonal) subspace is added. Recover the low-dimensional space and the structure on this space.
- Suppose complementary noise is Gaussian. [TV16] show how to recover given that the fourth moments of the distribution on the low-dim space are bounded away from that of a Gaussian. (Ex. clusters; a product distribution is limited by the dimension closest to Gaussian, etc.)
- Can we weaken the assumption on the complementary noise? (Arora, Ge, Ma) Put an assumption on “unimodality” in other directions.
- Suppose the subspace is a coordinate subspace, and the structure is a low-rank subspace within that. See relevant coordinates.
Consider a dictionary-learning setting. There are many variations here. What we want to say is the following: given there’s a transformation in a certain class—ex. a neural net—that makes the data structured, can you learn the structure/parameters?
- Suppose the samples are sparse linear combinations of \(a_i\). This is the setting of dictionary learning. See AGM14, AGMM15
- Can we generalize from independent \(p\de_0+(1-p)D\) distributions to non-Gaussian distributions?
- Suppose that noise is added. The algorithm above works if the dot product between 2 noise vectors is \(o(1)\). Ex. each coordinate is \(o\prc{n^{\rc 4}}\). Then the dot product is summing \(n\) numbers \(o\prc{n^{\rc 2}}\) which is \(o(1)\). Can we do noise up to \(o(\sqrt n)\)? The overlapping communities problem seems hard now. Before we could threshold at \(\rc 2\), but now, noise is up to \(\sqrt n\). cf. in SBM, you can deal with \(\rc{\sqrt n}\) difference in probabilities; in SVD, you can add a random matrix of entries \(o(\sqrt n)\) because the eigenvalues are much smaller.
- In the undercomplete case, if the noise is orthogonal to the subspace spanned by \(a_i\), we’re in the setting of [TV16]. Products of non-Gaussians are OK.
- Changing the formulation instead to that \((\an{x,a_i})_i\) is sparse is equivalent to learning the dictionary \((A^+)^T\). (Warning: this looks different in the over/undercomplete case.)
Thoughts 8-13
The problem here is really about unsupervised learning: given that there is a representation of a certain form on top of which you can train a classifier, etc., in the absence of labels find the representation.
Kernel dictionary learning
Let \(x\)’s be the data points and \(X=[\Phi(x)]\) be the image under \(\Phi\). \(\Phi\) is such that \(K(x,y) = \an{\Phi(x),\Phi(y)}\). Kernel dictionary learning seeks to find \(X=DA\), \(D\in \R^{\iy\times k}\). But assume \(D=XE\) is a linear combination of \(\Phi(x)\)’s. Then the objective becomes minimizing \(\ve{X-XEA}\) (what norm?) subject to sparsity constraints. Do alternting minimization, etc., using the fact that the norm (and gradients) can be evaluated easily using the kernel trick.
Try to use kernel dictionary learning
Warning: these steps are not justified.
Suppose that
\(x\)’s are latent variables, that are sparse
\(+\)noise, and we observe
\[y=Af(x).\] In our case,
\(f=\ln\) (so that sparse
\(+\)positive noise becomes few large entries). Then (maybe we should have
\(A^T\)? Not sure)
A^+ y &= f(x)\\
f^{-1}(A^+y) &= x\\
\Phi(A^+)\Phi(y) &= x \\
\Phi(y) &=\Phi(A^+)^+ x.
This suggests doing dictionary learning on \(\Phi(y)\) (or a finite approximation of this), finding \(x\)’s, then solving the system of equations \(A^TY=f(X)\). (Take many samples \((x,y)\) and do least squares.) In order for this to work, we need to
- justify all the pseudo-inverses, transposes (e.g. OK if inputs random: \(A^TAx\approx x\) coordinatewise so things like thresholding work)
- a finite approximation of \(\Phi\) is OK.
- DL on \(\Phi(Y)\) recovers something that is close to the desired solution.
- The noise model of \(x\) meets the requirements for the DL algorithm.
This does DL in the larger space though. Can we use the kernel trick to make it more efficient?
- We can try to do the kernel trick by first doing KSVD on \(\Phi(Y)\). (Find the singular vectors as linear combinations of \(\Phi(Y)\).)
- If the DL algorithm only relies on \(Y^TY\), we’re in good shape because we can compute this exactly using \(\Phi\).
So an attempt at an algorithm.
- DL/ICA to find \(X\).
- Solve for \(A\).
Generalizing AGMM
- Can we generalize to \(x=\) sparse + noise rather than \(y=A\pat{sparse} + \pat{noise}\)? We still need noise part to be \(o(1)\) though so \(\E x_i =o(1)\) (why? otherwise I don’t think you can even do sparse recovery.) Suppose the noise distribution is known; perhaps we can correct for the noise in the AGMM algorithm. If the noise is not known, ex. its mean is not known, this seems difficult.
- The algorithm involves thresholding and looking at a graph. Can we instead have weights, ex. a triangle has weight \(\an{u,v}\an{v,w}\an{w,u}\)? The problem is if \(u,v,w\) are in 2 communities this multiplies by 8. It’s not a natural additive decomposition. But perhaps something can still be done. Ex. Find overlapping communities such that most triangles are fully inside one community, and triangles occupy a large proportion of each community.
- AGMM just requires \(YY^T\), so knowledge of the dot products is enough. (Kernel trick works.)
- When threshold is not known? Noise is \(<\al\), signal is \(>\al\). Add an entry \(1\) to every vector, but that entry is not 0-centered…
Different optimization problem? (Ex. add sparsity regularization, ex. \(\ved_1\).) SDP relaxation? It’s hard to integrate the sparsity constraints.
Redo analysis with continuous observations?
Tensor decomp for mixed community detection [Anandkumar, Ge]: look at \((\E_{x\in X} \an{x,a}\an{x,b}\an{x,c})_{a,b,c}\).
I think I’m trying to do too many things at once. Allow larger noise, agnostic noise, arbitrary mean/cutoff…
Look at the simplest problem inspired by the problem. Ex. Assume there are \(k=10\) functions \(\si_k(A_k^Tx+b_k)\) (normalized) that map data to close to \(e_1,\ldots, e_{10}\)? Completely unsupervised learning. AGM is much simpler with sparsity 1…
DL vs. ICA, tensor decomposition
Why can’t we just solve dictionary learning with tensor decomposition? Suppose \(x_i\) are independent, symmetric, non-Gaussian, mean 0. (Symmetric mean 0 can probably be loosened if we modify this.) Then \[\E y^{\ot 4} -(\E y^{\ot 2})^{\ot 2} =\sum_i A_i^{\ot 4} [(\E x_i)^4 - (\E x_i^2)^2].\] We don’t even need the \(x_i\) to be from a sparse distribution—any non-Gaussian distribution (actually, want 4th moments to be non-Gaussian) will do!
Reasons why this doesn’t trivialize the problem?
- Overcomplete tensor decomposition is hard/not well-understood.
- The \(x_i\) aren’t completely independent. (But we can assume almost 4-wise independence, etc.—the AGMM algorithm also requires similar assumptions.)
- Tensor decomposition is inefficient.
- It doesn’t find \(x\)’s. (But we can do inference separately.)
- Tensor decomposition in this regime just doesn’t work in practice. (Practically, what can you expect???)
I think I need to familiarize myself with practical tensor decomposition and DL!
Previous work
Unsupervised SVM
Relaxing independent sparsity
Independent sparsity—required for AGM14 and AGMM15 (actually, 2-wise “almost independence” is good)—is unrealistic because features may be correlated/co-occur. A first step may be to consider group sparsity.
Google for “dictionary learning group sparsity”: